M. Scott Peck

The road less travelled: a new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth - London Arrow Books 2006 - 304 Pp

It is a self help book written to help readers make the right decisions when they are are stuck at a crossroads.
The book has three parts, with each section discussing a different aspect of life. In the first section, the book talks about the importance of discipline. The author writes that people need to balance their lives and that discipline is essential for emotional, spiritual and psychological health.
The second part of the book discusses the nature of love, saying that it is the driving force of spiritual growth. Here, the author refutes the misconceptions associated with the idea of falling in love. He says that love is the willingness to extend the boundaries of your ego and accept someone else into your life.
The third part deals with grace, saying that it is powerful force that nurtures spiritual growth in human beings. This section goes over a few factors that influence grace, like serendipity, the miracle of health and the unconscious. The author says these aspects are not understood by science and originate from outside our conscious will.


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